Donnerstag, 30. November 2006

Im dunklen Wald

Guten Abend!

Der heutige Post ist mal auf Deutsch. German today.

War im dunkeln, nur mit Mondlicht auf dem Teufelsberg hier in Berlin unterwegs. Gespenster oder Werwölfe habe ich keine gesehen. Bin 1:10 gelaufen. Links auf dem Bild sieht man die alte Radarstation auf dem Teufelsberg. Da ging es heute drumrum...

Rucksack Raidlight:

Hatte hinten ca 2,5kg und vorne eine 1,5 Literflasche quer und zwei 0,5 Literflaschen rechts und links. Ansonsten noch Kleinkram. Gewicht insgesamt: 6kg.
Bin noch nicht so zufrieden. Hinten ist alles top, die Schultergurte sind auch gut, die vordere Tasche hüpft ziemlich auf und nieder. Muß mir noch eine weitere Befestigung dafür ausdenken. Es läuft sich sofort angenehmer, wenn man die Tasche festhält.

Still not quite satisfied with front pouch. It jumps up an down too much. Had 2.5 litres of water in it. Have to think of a way to strap it down further.

Schuhe Adidas Supernova Trail:

Trailprofil gefiel mir heute gut, heute war 50% offroad im dunklen Wald, also kaum was zu sehen vom Weg...
Unten in der Fußwölbung hatte ich vorgestern fast eine Blase, weil man in der Mitte recht hoch steht - vielleicht sinds ja meine Plattfüße...
Heute habe ich die Wölbung deutlich gespürt, aber es hat schon weniger gedrückt.
Angenehm ist vor allem auch der Platz im Zehenbereich.

Shoe is good. I'll probably go for it in the MdS...

Gute Nacht!

Mittwoch, 29. November 2006

What the hell does Jumpin' Jaculus mean???

Good evening all!

Today was restday. Had to clean up the flat. So I will tell you what "Jumpin' Jaculus" means:

Of course everybody knows the great song by the Rolling Stones called "Jumpin' Jack Flash". And then of course everybody also knows that the latin name for a jerboa, or, in german "kleine Wüstenspringmaus" is "Jaculus Jaculus" :-)

So, that's why my MdS name is: Jumpin'Jaculus!!

Good night!

New Backpack and new shoes!

Good morning all!
last weekend my new backpack arrived - the one I'll be using at the MdS if it proves to be ok. It's the Raidlight RUNNER R-LIGHT. A 30 litre pack. Plus the front pouch called EQUILIBRE R-LIGHT with an extra 5 litres. See

Shoes: Adidas Supernova Trail. Colors: black and copper. On monday (27.11) the first shoetest but without backpack. I ran 62min through the tiergarten with a triathlete friend called Silke Neumann. She's capable of running a halfmarathon in under 1:30 after a little more training, so running was a little quicker than usual, we did 13km. The shoes are noticably trailshoes. You can feel the rough profile and also they are harder than my asics Kayano. They have enough space for my toes, something I didn't find in the asics Trabucco. But then, all feet are different.

Tuesday, 28.11: The first backpack test! at 7 a.m. 9km slow run with Rudi Wehn. Pack weighed approx 5kg. You get loads into the back, the material is quite soft but felt comfortabel. With all the different straps you can tighten up the load so it doesn't sway. The front wasn't as easy going as I thought. I couldn't strap it down enough and so it bounced up and down. Annoying in the beginning, but I got used to it.
Then shower, off to work in Rudis car and in the evening the run back from the office (8km). I found a way to strap down the front pouch. It's a bit better now. The pack is probably designed for taller people, I have all the straps down to minimum. I'm 1.65m tall. Some modifing here and there to come. Then in the evening 45min aerobics with my elite aerobicscoach Maria (but without backpack), sauna and done for the day!

Montag, 27. November 2006

Ostdeutscher Meister

Good evening all!
well, there's been some training going on since Nov 15th. Although I haven't done any lon distance runs jet, I am sort training "long distance" when I take a more holistic view. Jogging plus fitness, one of my favourites at the moment - takes up about 2 hours.
But, wow on Saturday my backpack arrived, yippie! Ordered it from and recieved the latest colors! It's from a company called Raidlight (french company) and it's a 30litre backpack plus a 5 litre front pouch.
Tomorrow I desperatly want to try it out! Especially because on Saturday I made up the next decision: the shoes.
I'll try out the Adidas Supernova Trail. They're black and copper colored. Got them in (jap size) 26.5. In Asics shoes I have a 26.0. Well, that will mean, the shoes for the desert will be something like 28.0.
I'm really happy - two big equipment decisions! As I played the OSTDEUTSCHE Meisterschaft on the weekend, I didn't go running. It was a nice tournament, even though I find 30,- euros entry fee a bit over the top. I mean, that's 60 Deutschmarks!!!!

Beat Stefan Wirwa at around 23:45 on friday night. He didn't know we'd be playing until just after he'd finished a large bowl of meat soup.... I think he was glad not to have puked all over the court! In the Final then against Felix Unger. Good match, lots of fun. Won 3:1.
Good night!

Mittwoch, 15. November 2006

Starting my blog - which language???

So, while my sister is creating a cool site for my hot adventure trip, I'll be blogging my progress and hope that you'll comment on what I do, maybe give advice or whatever...
Oh - the trip: I will be running the


For anyone who hasn't heard of this ultramarathon yet - on the link side you'll be connected to their home page. That's in english or french.

It will be for charity so I also hope that many of you choose to donate a Euro or pound towards my chosen charity organization called "Facing Africa". they fight a terrible disease called "Noma".

Also Facing Africa has a homepage where you can read about Noma in more detail.
So much for the moment. Now I have to see what happens when I press "veröffentlichen" :-)